Weather forecast for June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts

On our website you will find weather forecast for June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Clouds from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 61° (59° — 61°)
Feels like 60°
Pressure 992 hPa (992 mb)
Humidity 66%
Clouds 100%
Wind 3 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Rain from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Weather Rain (light rain)
Temperature 57°
Feels like 56°
Pressure 993 hPa (993 mb)
Humidity 78%
Clouds 99%
Wind 4 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Rain from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Weather Rain (light rain)
Temperature 54° (52° — 54°)
Feels like 53°
Pressure 994 hPa (994 mb)
Humidity 88%
Clouds 100%
Wind 4 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Clouds from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 50°
Feels like 49°
Pressure 995 hPa (995 mb)
Humidity 93%
Clouds 100%
Wind 3 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Clouds from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 49° (48° — 49°)
Feels like 47°
Pressure 995 hPa (995 mb)
Humidity 90%
Clouds 75%
Wind 4 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Clouds from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 48°
Feels like 46°
Pressure 997 hPa (997 mb)
Humidity 92%
Clouds 100%
Wind 6 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Rain from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM

Weather Rain (light rain)
Temperature 49° (48° — 49°)
Feels like 46°
Pressure 999 hPa (999 mb)
Humidity 91%
Clouds 75%
Wind 6 mph
June 5, 2023 in Fitchburg

Rain from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Weather Rain (light rain)
Temperature 50° (47° — 50°)
Feels like 46°
Pressure 999 hPa (999 mb)
Humidity 84%
Clouds 100%
Wind 9 mph